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Allowable Characters

Saber Guild approves costumes of lightsaber wielding, Force-sensitive characters within the Star Wars universe. These can either be named characters found within Star Wars media (called ‘face characters’) or original characters which follow specific guidelines in order to look like characters found within Star Wars media (called ‘generics’).

Face Characters

For face characters who are Force-sensitive and who consistently wield a lightsaber, Saber Guild approves all costumes in which that character appears in visual media from the point at which they start to carry a lightsaber. This includes costumes in which the character is serving in a role other than Force user (i.e. fighter pilot), and costumes in which the character is not shown wielding a lightsaber.

For face characters who are Force-sensitive, but who do not consistently wield a lightsaber, Saber Guild approves all costumes in which the character appears in visual media wielding a lightsaber (i.e. Marvel 12 Leia, TFA Finn). We also approve costumes in which the character does not wield a lightsaber, but is serving in the role of Jedi or Sith master (i.e. ROTJ Palpatine).

If the same costume is portrayed in multiple pieces of media with different art styles, and the costume meets the criteria for approvability in one piece of media, versions of that costume from all media are approvable (i.e. Endor Leia).

The following face character costumes are not allowed, even if they meet one of the above criteria:

        Costumes in which the character is in disguise

        Costumes which violate our “family friendly” policy

        Characters which cannot realistically be portrayed by a human in a costume (i.e. Yoda)

        Costumes where the sole reference for approvability comes from Lego Star Wars

Face character costumes are judged using the current standard or CRL for that costume from either the Rebel Legion or the 501st Legion, with modifications for safety in choreographed combat. If no standard or CRL exists for a face character costume, the costume is judged based off of reference images from visual media.

Costumes need enough visual references to be able to see the entire costume in order to be approvable.


For generic characters with a high degree of customization, Saber Guild approved costumes are based on this costume addendum (for basic Jedi and Sith), or based off of the costume standard templates which have been developed for Saber Guild.

For generic characters for which there is little to no customization (ie Temple Guards, Shadow Guards, Imperial Knights), costumes are judged using the current standard or CRL for that costume from either the Rebel Legion or the 501st Legion. If no standard or CRL exists, the costume is judged based off of reference images from visual media.

One-time Use Characters and Costumes:

In order to expand on the types of stories that are able to be told in performances, Star Wars characters or costumes which do not meet the criteria for approval in Saber Guild can be one-time approved for a particular show. One-time use characters must adhere to the standards for that costume from the 501st Legion, the Rebel Legion, the Mandalorian Mercenaries, or the Dark Empire (for generic smugglers).

One-time show characters and Costumes must be approved on a case by case basis by the Global Council. Once approved by the Council for a specific show, they will not need to be approved for each performance.

Temples will also occasionally engage in charitable activities that encourage the inclusion of colors or accessories that are not generally approvable. A request must be sent to the Global Council, along with pictures of the intended costume change, for approval. Once those changes are approved for a specific event, they do not need to be approved again in the future for that specific event unless updated or modified. While special event one-time use costume pieces may be made from otherwise unapprovable fabrics and in otherwise unapprovable colors, they should still adhere to Saber Guild standards for construction quality.

Special event costume pieces may not include any logos.

Items in the following list are common special-event modifications, and do not need to be approved by the Global Council; instead, they are approved locally by the temple’s LCC:


     Themed head accessories (e.g. hats, headbands, flower crowns)

     Themed handheld accessories (e.g umbrellas/parasols)

     Feather Boas, leis, beads, necklaces, and scarves

     Solid, color-blocked, or ombre socks, gloves, arm or leg warmers, leg wraps, or arm wraps

       Alterations to lightsaber using colored tape or neopixel blade (e.g. candy cane striping, rainbow)

       Solid, color-blocked, or ombre tabards/obi in thematically appropriate colors

     Colored tape on armor

     Flags affixed to the costume or saber, or worn as a cape

     Solid, color-blocked, or ombre capes, cloaks, cowls, and ponchos

       Colored wigs

       Lights or glowsticks

     Glitter or other makeup in non-approvable colors. This cannot be full alien makeup.


LCCs must judge special event modifications on both quality of construction, and safety for the specific event.