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Jedi Colors

3 - Color Rule

The main soft goods of the costume must be no more than three colors. Main soft goods for this purpose include the following required items:

  • Outer tunic (which must be primary)
  • Inner tunic
  • Obi
  • Pants and Skirts only included if they are a secondary faction color
  • Trim is not included in three color rule.

It also includes the following optional items:

  • Surcoats (which must be primary)
  • Cowls
  • Armlets
  • Boot Wraps


Allowable Colors

We have created a color document that encompasses the approvable colors for different parts of the costume for each faction. This document is meant to provide a spectrum of color and does not need to be matched exactly. No neon or electric colors will be permitted for either faction.

Primary Colors must be used for Outer Tunics, Surcoats, Cloaks/Capes/Robe, and accent colors for leather parts.
Secondary Colors can be used for tabards, obi, inner tunics, pants/skirts, and linings for outer tunics, cloaks, and surcoats. All items that can be Secondary Colors can also be a color from the Primary Colors chart. They cannot be colors from the Trim Colors chart.
Trim Colors can only be used on trim of garments. Trim on garments can also be colors from the Primary and Secondary chart of the appropriate faction.

These charts are meant to show a range of colors. Colors do not have to be an exact match. If an applicant or member is unsure if a color is a primary, secondary, or trim color please have the Local Costume Consular (LCC) check the color with the Global Costume Consulars (GCCs).

Jedi Colors

  • Jedi primary colors are browns, greens, tans, khakis, and creams. These colors are commonly referred to as earth tones. No neon or electric greens will be allowed.
  • Jedi secondary colors are blues, light purples, teals, and oranges. No neon colors, electric colors, or safety orange will be allowed.
  • Jedi have the option of using gold/yellow for trim only. No neon or electric yellow will be allowed. Jedi can choose trim colors from the Secondary and Primary Color Charts.

Jedi Primary Colors





Jedi Secondary Colors




Jedi Trim Colors
