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Gwen Gullett


High Republic formal temple uniforms are worn by Jedi in the High Republic era for formal occasions where combat is not expected.

They are generally clean, luxurious, and highly ornamental. 


The following minimum items are required for approval:

  • Outer tunic
  • Inner tunic OR midcoat
  • Tabards
  • Obi OR sash
  • Trousers OR skirt
  • Belt
  • Boots
  • Lightsaber

These items are also required in certain conditions:

  • Leggings or tights
    • Required IF a skirt is worn 


All items that are not made of leather must be shades of white, cream, or gold. All fabrics should be unpatterned and appear as solid colors. While rich golds are permitted, yellows and oranges may be too bright. Leather/ leather-like goods must be shades of brown or gold, and may have gold metallic trim.

FOR PADAWANS ONLY: sashes may be bright blue or green in shade that match references. 


Fabrics of the high republic formal uniforms are generally more luxurious than those of other types of Jedi. They still have rich textures, but may in some cases have a higher sheen. As such, some fabrics that are normally permitted for Jedi will not be permitted for High Republic Formal Temple uniforms, and while some fabrics that are NOT normally permitted for Jedi are appropriate.

Permitted Fabrics

silk dupioni, silk twill, silk matka, matte silk taffeta, wool crepe (single and double), fine linen

Possibly Permitted

These fabrics may be permitted but should be reviewed by GCCs before use

Raime, coarse linen, silk noil, synthetic dupioni, synthetic twill, cotton suiting, wool suiting, wool or synthetic melton (for cloaks only), silk or synthetic georgette or crepe. 

Disallowed Fabrics

Smooth satins including habutais, velvets, velveteens, most other cottons (including cotton gauze and osnaburg), leather for items other than boots/belts/belt accessories, any other fabrics referenced in the main addendum as being unapprovable  

Belts, pouches, saber holsters, and boots must be leather or leather-like. 

Required Items

High Republic Temple uniforms must at minimum have an outer tunic, an inner tunic OR a midcoat, tabards, an obi OR sash, a belt, and boots.

Outer Tunic 

Outer tunics are worn over inner tunics and pants/skirts, and under all other layers.