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Gwen Gullett


High Republic formal temple uniforms are worn by Jedi in the High Republic era for formal occasions where combat is not expected.

They are generally clean, luxurious, and highly ornamental. 


The following minimum items are required for approval:

  • Outer tunic
  • Inner tunic OR midcoat
  • Tabards
  • Obi OR sash
  • Trousers OR skirt
  • Belt
  • Boots
  • Lightsaber

These items are also required in certain conditions:

  • Leggings or tights
    • Required IF a skirt is worn 


All items that are not made of leather must be shades of white, cream, or gold. All fabrics should be unpatterned and appear as solid colors. While rich golds are permitted, yellows and oranges may be too bright. Leather/ leather-like goods must be shades of brown or gold, and may have gold metallic trim.

FOR PADAWANS ONLY: sashes may be bright blue or green in shade that match references. 


Fabrics of the high republic formal uniforms are generally more luxurious than those of other types of Jedi. They still have rich textures, but may in some cases have a higher sheen. As such, some fabrics that are normally permitted for Jedi will not be permitted for High Republic Formal Temple uniforms, and while some fabrics that are NOT normally permitted for Jedi are appropriate.

Permitted Fabrics

silk dupioni, silk twill, silk matka, matte silk taffeta, wool crepe (single and double), fine linen

Possibly Permitted

These fabrics may be permitted but should be reviewed by GCCs before use

Raime, coarse linen, silk noil, synthetic dupioni, synthetic twill, cotton suiting, wool suiting, wool or synthetic melton (for cloaks only), silk or synthetic georgette or crepe. 

Disallowed Fabrics

Smooth satins including habutais, velvets, velveteens, most other cottons (including cotton gauze and osnaburg), leather for items other than boots/belts/belt accessories, any other fabrics referenced in the main addendum as being unapprovable  

Belts, pouches, saber holsters, and boots must be leather or leather-like. 

Required Items

High Republic Temple uniforms must at minimum have an outer tunic, an inner tunic OR a midcoat, tabards, an obi OR sash, a belt, and boots.

Outer Tunic 

Outer tunics are worn over inner tunics and pants/skirts, and under all other layers. 


Outer tunics follow all construction and and rules from the main addendum, except for the following:
–    Tunic skirts may be slit up to just below the obi as long as a skirt is worn underneath
–    Tunic skirts may have no visible wrapping below the belt and instead be a solid section, though this is not required
–    Outer tunics may not be shorter than inner tunics
–    Outer tunics may not have sleeves that are tapered inward to the wrist, and may have sleeves that are wider than those of tunics approved under the main addendum.
–    Outer tunics may have metallic trim, braid, or piping (though they may not have any other ornamentation)
–    Outer tunics may have visible vertical darts to achieve a tailored shape.
–    Outer tunic hems may come to a point in the front and back.
–    If a midcoat is worn instead of an inner tunic, the outer tunic may not be sleeveless.
–    If the outer tunic sleeves are ¾ length, then either armlets must be worn, or else the inner tunic must have full length fitted sleeves.

Outer tunic must be cream or white rather than gold. Tunic may be lined in a contrasting color within the gold/white/cream color palette.

Inner Tunic


Formal temple uniforms must have either inner tunics OR midcoats, though they may have both if desired. Inner tunics, if worn, follow all construction and fit rules from the main addendum, except:
–    They may not be longer than the outer tunic in the skirt area.
–    If a sleeveless outer tunic is worn, inner tunics must have sleeves. Those sleeves may be wider than those of tunics approved under the main addendum, and may not taper inward to the wrist.
–    If a sleeveless outer tunic is worn and the inner tunic sleeves are ¾ length, armlets must be worn (see optional items).



Formal temple uniforms must have either inner tunics OR midcoats, though they may have both if desired. Midcoats are worn over the outer tunic and under the obi and tabards. They should slip on over the head and may be visible above the tabards at the neck. They can either have a v neck or a wrapped neckline like a standard tunic. They can either be closed at the sides or fully open, though they should at minimum be wider than the tabards at most visible points.

They may extend up to 2 inches beyond the shoulder, so as to ensure their visibility under tabards. Midcoats may be as short as lower hip length and as long as 1-2 inches longer than the tabards, provided that they are at least an inch off the ground. Midcoats may have any of the following ornamentation in cream or gold: piping along edges, trim along edges, simple geometric ornamentation in the corners. They should have no other ornamentation beyond that.


Two types of tabards are permitted for the formal high republic uniforms: Y tabards, and medieval tabards. These are both unique to the High Republic, and may not be used for any other era.

Both types may have ends that are either chevron shaped or rectangular. They should be at least knee length, and may extend to the midcalf. They should not extend more than an inch beyond the shoulder.

High republic tabards must have heraldic designs and ornamentation in the white/cream/gold color palate. These designs must be symmetrical. It is recommended that these designs be at least somewhat contrasting within that color palate. Designs may be implemented as combinations of applique, machine or hand embroidery, vinyl transfer, piping or soutache, or stenciled fabric paint, provided that the technique used is neat and regular in appearance.

Symbols used must either appear on existing High Republic Jedi uniforms, or must be pre- approved by the GCCs. It is strongly recommended that full tabard designs be pre-approved before construction begins.

All tabard types are permitted, though not required, to have a standing collar which is open in front. They should have no visible closures, and must be open on the sides. They should also have no visible seams other than collar seams, though hidden seams at the waist are permitted as long as they are covered by the obi.

Medieval Tabards


Medieval tabards are a single piece front and back. They should have an opening for the head that is either v-neck, square, or shallow round. Medieval tabards may taper somewhat in the body, but should still cover most of the chest. They may also taper back out somewhat below the obi.

Y Tabards


Pants of Skirt

Pants and skirts follow all rules of construction and fit from the main addendum, though they are limited to the gold/cream/white color palate of the High Republic. Pants and skirts should be a solid color and have no trim or ornamentation.

Obi or Sash

Obis or sashes are worn over the tabards and under the belt. Knight and master character must have an obi, while Padawan characters must have sashes. Obis and sashes are never worn together.


Obis follow all rules of fit and construction from the main addendum.



Padawan characters may choose to wear a sash instead of an obi. Sashes should fully circle the waist and be visible above and below the belt, and have a long tail that hangs down to the knee at the front or on the right side. They should have no ornamentation, and appear to be made from a single piece of fabric. Sashes should not be stiff and should drape freely on the hanging end.



High republic belts are brown leather with metal accents and gold buckles. Like belts from the main addendum, they must appear continuous. They can feature ornamentation in the form of metallic trim and metallic studs or loops in gold or silver. Buckles may be plan geometric plates, geometric plates embossed or stamped with designs reminiscent of the heraldry on tabards, or be novel shapes based on said heraldry. The leather of belts is not embossed with patterns or heraldry.

Two general styles may be made without pre-approval: Original Trilogy, or Prequel

Original Trilogy Based Belt

These belts feature a single strip of leather at least 1 inch wide and no wider than 2.5 inches, with a single large buckle in the middle front. Like original trilogy belts, they do not feature excessive holes or large keepers. They may feature metallic bands or rings to attach the leather to the buckle.

Prequel Based Belt

Prequel based belts feature the classic two-layer construction with a wider belt and a narrower belt.. The wider belt should be between 2 and 3 inches. The narrow belt end ends at a buckle in the middle front, and the wider belt ends at the back with ends hidden by a keeper. The ends of the narrow belt may be tapered to where they meet the buckle.

Other novel belt designs are also permitted, but must be pre-approved by the GCCs.


Boots follow all rules of construction and fit from the main addendum, except for the following:

– Wraps may not be used in lieu of properly fitted leather/leather-like boots


Sabers follow all rules from the main addendum.

High republic features such as gold ornamentation are permitted but not required.

For Padawan characters using a sash rather than an obi, it is recommended (but not required) that the saber color match the sash color.

Optional Items

High Republic Temple Uniforms may have any or all of the following optional items. Please note that no other optional items from the main addendum are permitted.

Cloak, Cape, or Robe

Capes, cloaks, and robes follow all rules of fit and construction from the main addendum EXCEPT

–    They may end at calf or ankle length and instead of ending a couple of inches off the ground
–    They may be lined in contrasting fabric within the gold/white/cream color palate
–    They may feature metallic trim, piping, or braid, though other types of patterns are not permitted.
–    They may fasten with gold toned brooches and/or chains. Other types of visible fasteners may also be permitted if canon references from the High Republic are provided. If brooches are used, then the jewelry standards below apply.
–    Capes and cloaks may fasten asymmetrically
–    Capes and cloaks may have an added capelet layer in the shoulder area. If this layer is included it should be the same color as the rest of the cape or cloak.
–    Robes may have ¾ length sleeves.

Saber Holster

Saber holsters hang from the belt. They are made of leather or leather-like material with metal accents, and should functionally suspend a saber hilt when it has no blade attached. All saber holsters should either replicate an existing design from the high republic or be pre-approved by the GCCs.

Belt Pouch

Pouches follow all rules of construction and ornamentation from the main addendum, except for the following:
–    Pouches may feature gold metallic trim


High republic Jedi may have subdued jewelry in the form of brooches, tiaras, cloak chains, and/or earrings. All jewelry should be gold tone, and may feature subtle gemstones. Jewelry designs should either be simple geometric shapes, or based on existing Jedi symbols in the high republic. All jewelry designs must be pre-approved by the GCCs.


Armlets follow all rules of fit and construction from the main addendum. They may feature metallic trim, piping, or braid, but should have no other ornamentation.