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Appendix - LCC Procedures

As Saber Guild Global Costuming Consulars (GCCs), we endeavor to ensure the quality of Saber Guild costumes and that the costume standards are met, upheld, and modified. Saber Guild has been growing quickly. To assist in facilitating this growth, the GCCs of Saber Guild are clarifying the procedures for costume submissions as a standard to be followed. Before an applicant submits their costume, they should have discussed their costume designs with their Local Costume Consular (LCC) to verify that they are in accordance with our costume standards (colors/fabrics/styles). If the costume fits within our standards, then the applicant may create/purchase the costume.

If the costume is outside our traditional standards, then the design must be sent to the GCCs for a consultation on the design. Once the design is approved, construction can commence. Once all components of the costume are ready, the member writes up the application, the LCC should review the costume to ensure that it is in compliance with current costume standards. If it does not meet standards, the LCC should work with the applicant/member to bring the costume into compliance. Once the costume is ready, the LCC takes the photos, and then submits the application to the appropriate Temple Costume Submission Thread. If the costume is a canon (or face) character, do not wear any non-canon accessories or add-ons that do not apply to your canon costume. LCCs are responsible for submitting costumes to the GCCs for consideration and approval. LCCs must ensure that costumes are photographed in a performance ready condition (e.g. all components present, acceptable colors and fabrics, ironed) and attached to the submission.


The Global Costume Team follows a 30 day, start-to- finish submission process. Once we receive a submission, the initial review will be completed within 10 calendar days. At that time, the costume will either be approved or an email request to the LCC and member will be issued for clarifying information and/or photos.

The email the member and LCC will receive will have a due date with the remainder of the 30 calendar days from the date of submission. The LCC will have to re-submit the required corrected information and/or photos on the submission thread by the due date. If the information is not provided by the due date within the email, the submission will be denied. A denial email will be sent to the member and the LCC and the thread will be archived. A complete re-submittal will be required for future consideration. We anticipate that this will alleviate the backlog of costume submissions and make this process consistent and efficient.

Notes On Submissions

**Turnaround time for submissions (Official Standard)** Once your LCC posts your costume, you should expect an initial response within 10 days. Additionally, if you are attempting to get a costume approved for an upcoming show, the latest you should submit that costume is one month before the show date. This should allow for enough time for you to address any minor corrections and give the GCCs enough time to make your deadline. Additional submission guidelines are available to the LCCs on the forum under Official Member Submissions in the Topics section.

Also, as a standard rule, if you have had your costume denied for specific reasons and in you re-submission, you have fixed all the notes that were given to you, you are to be judged on those corrections only. A second denial cannot be based on something you were not asked to fix in the first submission (i.e. if you were asked to fix your obi in your original, you cannot be denied approval based off anything but the obi). Ensure your
costume is presented with all components present and in show- ready appearance in any re-shoots (i.e., ironed, all food capsules present, saber clip, etc). This does NOT apply if your second submission is wrinkled, missing parts of the costume or the costume is worn incorrectly. This also does NOT apply if your original submission had poor quality photos (low res, blurry, or bad lighting) or your costume was worn in a way that hid the imperfections.

Costume Upgrade Procedures

Some parts of the costume do not need to be submitted to the Global Costume Consulars. Local Costume Consulars may locally approved some limited changes, provided that the no more than 25% of the costume is approved locally in a 6 month period. Changes are considered to be cumulative – a 10% change one month and a 15% change the next are permitted, but any changes after that must be submitted to the GCCs for upgrade.

  • Boots: 10%
  • Belt: 10%
  • Obi: 10%
  • Tabards: 15%
  • Pants/Skirt: 5%
  • Tunic: 30%
  • Undertunic: 5%
  • Cloak: 15%
  • Saber: 5%
  • New Special Effects Makeup (tattoos, corruption, scars, alien makeup, etc): 30%
  • Alterations to existing Effects Makeup: 10%
  • Non Special Effect Makeup: 10%
  • Prosthetics (montrals, leeku, species-based masks, horns): 30% New wigs: 30%
  • Upgrade of an existing approved wig: 10% Gloves: 5%
  • Accessories (i.e. electronics, greebles, bracers/gauntlets): 10% Mask: 30%
  • Pouch(es): 5% each
  • Armor (excluding bracers/gauntlets): 30%

Note: For the purpose of approval, any change in species is considered to be new special effects makeup.

Any additions of prosthetics, combinations of prosthetics and makeup, and masks must be resubmitted. Addition of armor must be resubmitted.

Once 25% worth of updates are made, further changes cannot be made within six months.

If further changes are desired before six months is up, they must be submitted to the Global Costuming Consulars. This does not apply to costume repairs, such as fixing rips and tears.

Costume repairs or replacements that do not change the fabric, color, fit, or construction of the original garment do not need to be submitted to the Global Costume Consulars; they may instead be locally approved by the temple’s Local Costume Consulars, and do not count towards the 25% costume upgrade allowance.

LCCs may also locally approve a member swapping costume elements between globally approved generic costumes of the same faction without submitting the changes to global, providing the worn costume still meets the current standards. All swapped elements should be previously approved on the member requesting the swap. Such swaps would not count towards the cumulative costume change percent.

If Global Costume Consulars, the Costume Director, or the Global Council see a change that a Local Director/LCC has approved and disagrees with the quality, then they have a right to require a submission, evaluation and any modifications. If this happens three times within one year within a temple, the temple will lose their local costume upgrade approval privileges.

When an upgrade is sent in for review, the costume MUST MEET current standards. If the costume does not meet the latest published standards, the Global Costume Team has the authority to require the costume be brought into compliance with current standards in addition to judging the upgrade.

If you are deviating from our costume standards or going for something out-of- the box (i.e. designs on tabards), you should still have your LCCs check with the Global Costuming Consulars before moving forward.

Face Character upgrades: Any changes to the costume of a face character, ie: A known, named character with a costume specific to that character, must be presented to the Global Costume Consulars for Review.

Process for Resubmission

For COSTUME UPGRADES/species changes/etc, the Subject Line to the forum post should be completed as:

MM/DD/YYYY Costume Upgrades [Username: Forum User name] Standard Name

Send clear, full body shot and close-up shots of additions/upgrades (front, back, and both sides) to LCC, who will post on forum thread if they feel the changes are ready to be approved. Remember to include updated information in the post including the bio if updated from original. Note: Global Costuming Consulars will be evaluating upgrades/additions only.


Sometimes despite your LCC’s best intentions your member’s costume may not get approved. If a submission is denied and you wholeheartedly believe that it met all the criteria mentioned on our website and within this amendment, you have the right to appeal the decision to the Global Council. This should be done in a formal, well-thought- out letter written by your Local Director (or by the applicant if not attached to a Temple) to [email protected]. The letter should contain at least three visual references and justification as to how the costume fits within standards. Informal PMs on Facebook will not be accepted as a formal appeal. For clarification on anything in this document, please feel free to contact any of the GCCs via the LCC Facebook Chat or email at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you