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Armored Jedi



Conditional Requirements

The following items may be required based on certain choices of costume pieces.

Optional Items

  • Armor Pieces
    • Shoulder Bells
    • Boot Armor

Required Items


Accurate to Star Wars: The Old Republic Jedi armor should include the following pieces at a minimum: 

Chest, Forearm/Wrist, Hand, Thigh and Shin armor

Armor should be painted in a spruce green or earth tone color scheme, with metallic silver/gold/bronze trim similar to source images.

The LFL blue ‘release’ color scheme is also allowable. 

Armor should be well fitted to the wearer without excessive  gap between chest and cod plate.

An amber LED circle at the center of the chest armor and two small amber LED lights at bottom of chest armor may be included, but are not required.

Light weathering to the armor is allowable but should be consistent with weathering to the entirety of the costume.

See the Generic Standard :: Armor section for detail on allowable materials for armor.


If no codpiece armor is used, a long apron style tabard or loin cloth style drape should be used instead.

The style of the loin cloth/apron style tabard matches the TOR style, and the color of the fabric should match the undersuit.


  • If Codpiece armor is used it must include
    • faux belt that has 2 to 4 pouches on each side of the buckle (total of 4 to 8)
  • If Codpiece armor is not used, then costume must have a belt in one of the following styles
    • OT style belt with 
      • At least two pouches (One on either side of middle buckle), 
    • prequel style belt with
      • At Least two pouches (One on either side of middle buckle) 
      • 4-8 food capsules in even sets
    • combo-style belt similar to what is worn by Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi with 
      • At least two pouches (One  on either side of the middle buckle).

See the Generic Standard :: Belts section for more details on allowable belts.


Full body undersuit- One or two piece, but the join must not be easily visible. Heavier spandex is allowed, but a thicker, more durable material is recommended.

The undersuit must compliment the armor and tie together to be a coherent costume.

Allowable colors for the undersuit include the following:

Dark Green, Dark Brown, Dark Blue 


  • Brown boots that should match the color of the belt pouches and/or Jedi style belt. 
  • Boots are ankle high, slip on style boots, with no visible zippers or laces.
  • Boots are able to be tucked under shin armor. 


Option #1

Traditional brown heel length Jedi Robe.

  • The sleeves should finish at the elbow or wrist gauntlets.
  • The robes contain a deep hood.
  • The robes may be lightly weathered to match the armor. 
Option #2

Cloak or robe variant that fits Jedi style.

  • The robe must be a brown or variant earth tone.
  • Armor gauntlets should be visible.

If there are questions regarding the design of any cloak or robe variant please consult the GCCs with your design. 


Brown full fingered gloves matching the leather work on the costume. 


 Combat ready lightsaber that meets the Generic Standard :: Lightsaber rules for the Jedi faction.