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Belt Accessories

Required Accessories

The following are required minimum items based on the character type that you choose. 


  • At least four food capsules (unless using an OT style belt)
  • At least one pouch, two recommended
  • One saber clip


  • At least one pouch, two recommended
  • One saber clip

Food Capsules

For costumes requiring food capsules, a minimum of four food capsules are needed and no more than twelve is allowed, and they must be in even amounts of four, six, eight, ten or twelve. Food capsules can be in any color seen in canon, including copper, silver, gold, and gunmetal.

Belt Clips

All belts should have either a prequel style covertech clip or OT style lightsaber hanger in their belts. Sabers are not required to have the corresponding covertech wheel or D-ring. The number of clips on an applicant’s belt should not be more than the number of sabers they carry. All clips must be combat safe and not resemble items from earth cultures or other non Star-Wars intellectual property.



At least one belt pouch is required for approval; two is preferred.

Allowable colors for pouches are brown for Jedi and red/black for Sith. Snaps or other metallic closures should be silver, antique bronze, copper, gold (bright brass), or gunmetal. It is preferred, but not required, that pouches are in the same shade range as the belt.

Pouches should be formed and made of thicker leather. Resin pouches may be accepted if they are constructed to appear as leather or leather-like and have a secure method of attachment to avoid safety issues (i.e., durable, well-situated clips so that they are secured to the belt at a proper height). The leather must not have animal embossing or print (such as snakeskin or eel skin). Foam, canvas, or other materials will not be approved.

Pouches with plastic clips, elastic sides, ren-faire style lacing, or open spaces in the bottom corners will not be approved.

Pouches should not look earthbound or from another genre (medieval or Ren Faire types).

Any embossing or other decorations should be minimal and should be pre-approved by the GCCs.

Approvable Pouch Examples

To clarify how these rules translate to existing pouches, examples of approvable and unapprovable pouches are included below.


Rejected Pouches


While not flat, the following two examples are poorly constructed or are made from poorly constructed materials and will not be approved. Furthermore, the set on the right does not appear leather or leather-like and has an unnatural seam that ruins its aesthetic.


Handcuff pouches can look too earthbound and embossing is usually not approved for use.


If you are going to look for handcuff pouches, try to find a more generic version. The two handcuff pouches below would be approved.


Optional Accessories

Applicants are permitted to add up to two optional belt accessories from the approved list below with local approval from their LCC. Additional items, or items not appearing on this list, must be submitted to the GCCs for approval. Please note that blasters are not approvable even as optional accessories.

Approved items include

  • Droid callers
  • Commlinks
  • Holocrons
  • Extra pouches
  • Prequel style rebreathers
  • Extra lightsaber hilts beyond one (for single wielders) or two (for dual-wielders)